Wednesday 3 January 2018

What to wear to the office this New Year

Wow wow wow. Happy New year to all my readers. Its been a while and its been tough I must say. 

This New Year is gonna be fuuun and we need to embrace it as it is. Lets get started and lets make the most of it. 

Now this post is all about being ourselves in the work place. Our corporate desks and offices.

Being a new year I am going to advise you on how to dress up and do your make up well during your 9 to 5 job. 
Corporate Fancies is here to help you get out of those party clothes to work and put on the right outfit to work. Monday to Friday you need to keep the trend. Be the envy of everyone in the office. Let everyone want to look like you, let them want to know how you keep up with your look.

I will start with what to wear on Mondays;
Mondays are very critical, the first day of the week and you need to look neat and appealing in case there any early morning meetings. Face the day with shimmer, shine and be fresh.

On a Monday, I suggest you dress up in a suit, be it pants of skirt or dress suit for ladies, for men its natural, put on that suit and look great not only for the clients but also for the ladies. Oops!!! Oh yeah and don't forget to complete the look with a nice perfume. Not the one that chocks on the passers by.  Ladies your make up should be stylish, refined and glamorous to catch that attention 

Tuesdays, lose the coat if you have to but the week is still young and still need to look elegant and neat.

Wednesdays, loosen up but still look great, lose the suit and put on a pant suit for the ladies. Men if you are a neck tie person, lose the coat and stay with the tie. You know Wednesdays when the workload is less then you can opt to go for a drink after work. So you are free of baggage when you go out with friends.

Thursdays, I find this day very disturbing even when it comes to outfit. So I normally look at it as another Monday in the week and then I resort to suit but this time i go for a Pant cropped suit, a little tight with high heels. Even with last minute meetings in a week, you can rock the look.

Fridays, a casual business look will rock the day. Some offices decide to make it an African attire day, others put on branded T-shirts, others go the extra mile to dress up to kill because its a Friday. My ideal outfit is a casual look, Jeans with a shirt, tucked in with nice middle heals and some accessories. Men, a stripped shirt, some brown shoes, a clean khaki or jeans no shouting colors  (black, brown, blue or grey) will do the magic.

That's it for today. I am set to share with you the best outfit information so that you are the envy of everyone in your office.

Like, Share and don't forget to subscribe. 

See you soon.

Thursday 11 April 2013

WELCOME my friends

Welcome to this new Blog. I am so excited i am going to just say that. WELCOME my friends